BIOS: Full Bloom

BIOS: Full Bloom
National Design Center, as part of Singapore Design Week 2023Real-time Anamorphic Simulation
Presented at the Playground of Possibilities, BIOS: Full Bloom is an alpha preview in the BIOS: Living NFTs series, created by SERIAL CO_. This latest exploration delves into the fleeting yet captivating life cycle of rare floral specimens, entirely reimagined in digital form.

Living, not alive, these flowers are products of a virtual ecosystem, where each bloom is generated using diffusion model-based AI, procedural programming, and 3D modeling. Drawing on a rich dataset of Singapore’s floral textures, the work transcends mere simulation, offering an uncanny portrayal of nature's diversity and fragility.

By isolating and amplifying the beauty of the bloom-to-wilt cycle, BIOS: Full Bloom probes our evolving connection with the natural world, exploring notions of hyperreality, digital ownership, and the emotional resonance of virtual life. Each digital petal is a reflection of a world where nature and technology harmoniously coexist, inviting us to reconsider what it means to experience presence and beauty.