BIOS: Living NFTs

BIOS: Living NFTs
BIOSNFT is an art dynamic NFT collectible project that sees 256 unique plants grow over the course of 6 months. Inspired by variegated plant collecting and the immortalisation of virtual plants on the blockchain, each 3D plant can be viewed, owned, traded and grows from a seed to a mature plant on the blockchain. The project was borne out of a desire to utilise real world data into a changing and growing aesthetic. The premise was simple for this project, we want to recreate the realistic reality of how a plant grows in the real world, into the digital world. To achieve that, creating a dynamic NFT is the answer.
At the heart of BIOSNFT is the technology behind how the digital plants grow and is a window into what is next in the world of dynamic NFTs. These Dynamic NFTs change their aesthetic state by retrieving real-world data autonomously without interaction from the user. Produced from a combination of 3D modelling, machine learning algorithms, and procedural programming, each plant is one-of-a-kind.
Machine Learning was used to generate an infinite number of textures for the collection. As a subset of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning utilises a dataset of almost 1,000 images of plants taken in Singapore and then filtered to create a Generative AdversarialNetwork (GAN).
BIOSNFTs lived and grew in real-time on the Blockchain.
Opensea Collection:
Contract Address:

Innovation on Existing On-Chain Technologies
The idea sprouted from our dissatisfaction of the current status quo of NFTs; they are but snapshots or frozen loops in time of what still seems to us as traditional art. The idea of a truly new media digital art work should bring in the most fundamental part of the network: Data.
Upon doing our market research in early 2021, we found an NFT that was truly dynamic, reacting to a basketball player's slam dunks over his seasons in the NBA. The numbers on the NFT were changing and we were intrigued. We spent the following months dissecting how it was done. And when we reached the conclusion, we realised that this technology can be implemented in other fields, for other purposes, beyond just slam dunks.
When we first uploaded our test onto the Blockchain Testnet and it worked, we knew BIOS would extend beyond a normal NFT art project and be a true pioneer in its own class. The implementation of a time and date verification process would allow for our plants to grow day to day, for an infinite time for as long as we keep our servers running and verifying.
The added functionality of allowing its growth rate to be affected by the value of Ethereum is very meta and apt. Plants in the real world run on light and water, and in the Blockchain, it's run by Gas in the form of Ethereum.
True Symbiosis of Art & Tech
Beyond just putting the work up on the Blockchain and employing traditional NFT marketing techniques, we're marrying that with connecting with traditional art collectors through our showcase at Hatch Art Project gallery. This will be the first time any NFT Collectible Art project is dropping at a physical venue in collaboration with an art gallery.
Even though it might only seem like a logistical issue, there are many operational procedures that need to be thought out to facilitate a physical gallery with traditional art collector who are not onboarded into the space. Since the inception of the gallery, all the parties involved have figured out effective methodologies and operational processes that will allow for the easy onboarding of traditional art collectors and the buying and selling procedures between the client, gallery and NFT artists.