The Divine Forest

The Divine Forest (2020)
Client: The Dempsey ProjectCuratorial Partner: ArtAcia
Location: Dempsey Hill, Singapore
Tags: #projectionmapping #blackandwhite #composite #digitalart
The Divine Forest, a projection piece on the feature wall of The Dempsey Project, a quaint restaurant nestled in Dempsey Hill. The work illuminates and expands the dining space and bring to remmebrance the beauty and the healing energy of nature during the dining experience
The Divine Forest draws inspiration from nature and its beauty, looking out tenderly at a world where our connection with nature is both heightened as well as lost. The work showcases scenes that resemble sights in and around Dempsey Hill and utilises the window as a portal to the world outside. It begins with scenes of the forest and ends with the element of water, the giver of all life. The work blends virtual 3D renders and video elements to highlight the reality of the world we see and suggest that this world is one that is very much created and affected by us. The divine forest is at once a metaphor for our collective futures and a call to appreciate and protect nature’s beauty.
The work looks out tenderly at the world where our connection with nature is both heightened as well as lost.