We are and or have been
We are and or have been (2020)
Stainless Steel, Used Mannequins, Lyrca Spandex, Actuators
Bao Song Yu and Jake Tan
Kinetic Sculptural Installation Commissioned by Singapore Chinese Cultural Center
Haw Par Villa RE•MIX Exhibition as part of RE.MIX Festival 2020
The physical manifestation of what is or was and forever still is. Love or aberrations that crawl underneath to change who you are and your influence around others.
The piece talks about the idea of love and it’s eventual influence on you and the people around you. A parent’s love that guides the values and morales, a friend and the good times, a lover and their concerns of the future, and the lover that once or never was that scarred you.
You are but the chimera of the people and the relationships of what is, to be and once was.

1. https://www.singaporeccc.org.sg/event/hawparvillaremix/
2. https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/arts/pop-culture-infused-take-on-singapore-chinese-heritage
3. https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/singapore-chinese-cultural-centre-organises-first-youth-festival-remix
4. https://www.facebook.com/singaporechineseculturalcentre/videos/2464109610504505/
5. https://thesmartlocal.com/read/sccc-event-2020/?fbclid=IwAR0Wgc9zaNgQT4YAyJsCmhYtJcwfIdBtqnBlW1dyVUR0UOvScure5dnBkto
6. https://www.artweek.sg/events/haw-par-villa-remix
7. https://coconuts.co/singapore/lifestyle/chinese-cultural-festivals-that-will-ignite-your-senses-this-chinese-new-year/
8. Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报 11 February 2020